

rpheus and Eurydice. Yes, a Greek tragedy of the hopeless variety. However, the REAL tragedy of last Friday was that I had to sit thru/waste an hour of my life listening to Mr. Ian Ricky Gordon's production of the greek love tragedy of O&E. I found myself wanting to scream at the male lead, "Turn around!!!" Let's just say it was not my cup of tea. There is one thing I did enjoy, aside from the company of my handsome date, and that was the program design.  Very simple, modern and humorously tied in the iconic image of the New York coffee cup - you know, the one with greek designs adorning the outer facade.  I'm a sucker for anything with a Greek key motif, to be sure. Which suddenly jolted my memory of a favorite little accessories company I've not blogged about. A lovely e-shop called "Greece is for Lovers". I lust after the Hermaphrodite candles and would strike a deal with Hades for the Zeus! lighting bolt letter opener. Silver plated, please.

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